01 November 2009

Nanowrimo 2009

Like I've done every November since 2004, I'm writing 50,000+ words toward a novel in the next 30 days. By tradition, it's something from my Fortress Launne series, which originally had six books in it, but they've shifted around a lot in the intervening years and are still six books, but not the six I'd originally envisioned. :)

Anyway, it didn't take long before I got distracted by the Nanowrimo forums. One of their threads is pictures of writing areas. Well, here's mine:

Messy, huh? It's the normal state of my living room, alas. The computer was originally on the gray desk at the left, but it's too tall for my current chairs - a blue exercise ball and a one-seater couch. I had others, but freecycled them a few months ago. (The couch will be too when it's time to move.) My mouse is on a clipboard over the trashcan, which I move back and forth depending on which hand I feel like using to mouse at the time. The white keyboard is wireless, but the mouse isn't - hence the length of wire to make it reach the couch when I'm not on the ball. The black "keyboard" under the table is my Alphasmart Dana - it's actually a better keyboard than the Apple.

For those who want to follow along to my writing angst trials and tribulations, I have a writing blog freshly ported over from Hobgoblin.net, which is sadly defunct at the moment. I'll be posting a lot over there this month. :)

On a completely unrelated note: yes, that was taken by my broken camera. It still takes pictures just fine, so long as I don't want to change any of its settings or compose or something else that requires the screen to be working...

On another note: I'm looking forward to finding out what my European readers will decide to be intrigued by in this picture. ;)


Anonymous said...

What's that really blue thing on the gray desk?

And yay exercise balls. I like your better than mine - it's sky blue. Mine is metallic gray; not the chirpiest of colors (and it doesn't really math with the rest of the apartment).

And that keyboard looks positively huge! :D

John the Scientist said...

Holy crap, you have the same drinking glasses we do!

MWT said...

The blue thing is a flashlight.

I only have one drinking glass that looks like that. The rest got goodwilled. They were originally from an ex-housemate.

Tom said...

Hmmm, no light switches or electrical sockets. I wonder...

If you're not "on the ball" with your writing, where are you?

John the Scientist said...

Well, they tend to crack in the dishwasher, so we only have one left that looks like that, too. :D