10 April 2008

The Golden Rule

He who has the gold makes the rules.


Anne C. said...

Feeling a bit cynical this evening, are we? ;)

Tom said...

He who makes the rules can bias the rules towards more gold for the rule-maker.

Random Michelle K said...

In a contest between gold and a flame thrower, I'd definitely put my money on the flame thrower.

Same for the rocket launcher.

MWT said...

Well I never said anything about the rulemaker not being corrupt. ;)

As for cynical - that depends on whether I have the gold or not... ;)

MWT said...

Michelle: Yes but to acquire the flame thrower or rocket launcher, you must first have gold.

Random Michelle K said...

Actually, a flame thrower can be made from things lying around the house.

Then you can take the gold and buy a rocket launcher.

MWT said...

Yes but you still need $100 worth of gold to obtain the components of the flame thrower. :)

Random Michelle K said...

I the contents of my basement are very different from the contents of your basement. :)

MWT said...

In that I don't have a basement, I plead no contest. ;)

A rephrase: He who has the gold can buy a bigger, better flamethrower than what you can make out of stuff in your basement. :p

Tania said...

He who has the gold is obviously a believer in hard-currency investing.

Random Michelle K said...


But that's effective only if they expect me to show up with a flame thrower.

There are very good reasons to cultivate a calm and boring personality.


MWT said...

He who has the gold could just nuke you from orbit if you fail to obey the rules. :D

Random Michelle K said...

*I* see how this is going...

(pulls homemade planet crusher from pocket)

(dials down range of destruction to a narrow band)

(crushes all potential enemies and their offspring)

(returns to looking innocent)

John the Scientist said...

Good soldiers will always get you gold, but gold will not alwyas get you good soldiers. - Machiavelli

And as Terry Pratchett said the law is only for those stupid schmucks in the middle who obey it. There is no law for the rich or te incorrigibly lawless.

Random Michelle K said...

Incorrigibly lawless you say?

That sounds like it might be fun to try...