03 January 2009

Now that I've lost my entire audience...

One of my resolutions this year is to get back to writing blog posts at least 5 times per week, like I was doing back in 2007. Previously, my posts tended toward cryptic or encyclopedic, and while I don't get quite as excruciatingly detailed as some others (*cough* Eric, John *cough*), I do try to make sure I have all my facts straight before publishing. In the past year as I've picked up other pursuits and had less time for everything, that has meant fewer overall posts.

So this year, I'm going to try out Nathan's Blurt MethodTM of blogging and see how that works out for me. I've already started; that Buffy Musical post qualifies. ;)


Eric said...

Oh, please: some of your audience still tracks you by RSS feed.

We're just shocked when it updates. :-P

Nathan said...

Blurt = Win!


vince said...

To blurt, or not to blurt. That is the question. Which appears to have an answer.

Random Michelle K said...

Or you could take my current method, which is to post something every day--who cares about the quality.

I suggest pet blogging Friday (you've got plants, they count) and Tasty Tuesday and flower pr0n Sunday to get started. :)

MWT said...

What? Some of you are still here?? Curses!

Tom said...

And some of us are ninja checkers. Just because we don't comment doesn't mean we don't read. :)

kimby said...

Heck, I almost never have anything intelligent to say, but that doesn't stop me from posting. (ok, so i did get a but lax in December, but i will fix that)