06 December 2007

Quick housekeeping note

Normally, whenever someone posts a comment here, I get an email notification. For some reason this stopped happening two days ago. If you've commented on any of the older entries, please be aware that I'm not ignoring you on purpose - I probably haven't seen it at all. Feel free to drop a note here if you've commented on something older than the last 4 or so posts and you want to make sure I see it.

Thanks, and hopefully Blogger/Google will fix itself soon.


Shawn Powers said...

Last time I leave you a comment for help when I run out of gas in the Georgia wilderness. Sheesh. ;)

Megadeus said...

I actually noticed that I didn't get any emails for the Roleplaying post, even though I checked the "email me" box.


I'll try again on this one and see if it fixes itself.